Today Getaway

American Passport Processing in Mexico

Model Plane And Us Passport

Model Plane And Us Passport

Are you wondering how you can renew your American passport while you are in Mexico? Is it nearly time when your passport will be expiring? Have you had a child in Mexico recently that is eligible for American citizenship? Great news, you can renew your American passport or apply for a US passport at the American Consulate in Mexico. In most of the larger cities in Mexico, the American Consulate has offices available to serve US citizens living in or visiting Mexico. You need to allow your passport application to process, which is approximately a few months, so if you do that, then you can avoid having any traveling complications. Read below to learn about American passport processing in Mexico. 

#1 Plan Ahead and Make An Appointment

Before you do anything, you should check the American Consulate’s office website to find the office nearest you. At your local consulate office, you can make an appointment ahead of time. However, note that most American Consulate offices in Mexico only receive visitors during certain hours. That’s why it is very important that you plan ahead and make an appointment if you can. If you do this, then you won’t have to wait in those long lines or have to return another day because there are too many people in line ahead of you. But, if you happen to have an urgent request and you can’t make an appointment, then the American Consulate office will allow you to have a walk-in appointment. 

#2 Always Arrive Prepared 

Next, to make your US passport application process faster, you should always arrive prepared. This means you need to bring your current American passport with you along with the completed renewal application. You can download the US passport application by clicking here. You should also have two passport photos, too. The photos should be the right size for the application, and right now the photo size is 2 x 2 inches. The fee for a US passport application for an adult in 2020 is currently $110, and for children that are under 16, the cost is $80. Both parents are required to attend the appointment unless the parent has full custody of the child. You will also need to bring the original birth certificate for the child or the Consular Report of Birth Abroad as the Consular employee will need to see it. 

#3 Your Time At The Appointment

When it is time for your appointment, you will have to leave your cell phone with security, then sign in. Your name will be called when it is your turn. Have all your documents ready, so your appointment goes faster. You will also need to bring a prepaid envelope, which is how your American passport will be mailed to you once ready. DHL, Estafeta, and FedEx are reliable shipping companies in Mexico. They will also give you the tracking number too. Usually, the average American passport renewal will take one month, but with the current COVID-19 crisis, it may take extra time.  The Consulates are working very limited hours. 

Are you an ex-pat in Mexico and need to renew your American passport? If you are, then we hope the American Passport Processing in Mexico article helps you with the application process. If you just want to vacation in Mexico, contact Today Getaway at 1-866-435-8007 or 619-558-0432. Right now, they are selling low-cost travel packages to stay at the top resorts in Mexico. Plus, they work with reputable companies such as the Villa Group that have stringent health and safety protocols in place to keep guests safe. Call Today Getaway and book your dream vacation to Mexico now!