Today Getaway

Mexico Comes Together

CANCUN - all inclusive Vacations

Across the world, businesses and homes have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. The individuals in Mexico that depend on their income from tourism have especially been affected. The resorts, restaurants, stores, and shops had to close to help slow the spread of the disease. Right now, many of the businesses are slowly reopening after being closed for several months.  Upgraded health and safety standards are in place so their customers and visitors will be safe. Are you a resident in Mexico or do you visit frequently? If you do, then read below to learn how the country has come together during these challenging times. You too can support the local community as it transitions during the reopening after the COVID-19 crisis. 

Mexico Comes Together – Shop Locally  

Mexico residents and visitors to the country can help by supporting the local community. Whenever you can, you should shop locally to support small businesses where you live or visit. You should try to purchase your groceries at local markets if you can, and avoid the large grocery chain stores. Also, it is wise if you try to keep 2-3 weeks of food at your home because you never know when an emergency could happen. However, you don’t have to go overboard when you are getting food and supplies. Just purchase what you need, and try not to buy all of one item when you shop. You must remember there are other people that will need food and supplies, too. Likewise, you should try to be respectful of others’ needs and limit your buying. Most of the working-class people in Mexico live week to week and some even day today. Many people don’t have a lot of extra money or credit to purchase a lot of food at one time, so just try to think of others when you are shopping and not take all of any one item. 

Local Delivery Services

Right now, many of the local businesses are offering their customers delivery options, because many people are trying to stay at home as much as they can. You can support your local businesses by spending your money at stores that provide home delivery. Do you have helpers that used to come to your home to clean, watch the kids, take care of your garden, or clean your pool? If you do, then you should try to keep paying them until they can return to their full-time employment. Many people in Mexico rely on that income from you, so they can provide for their families. If you lay the workers off, then they could really affect low-income families tremendously. Now that some of the businesses are reopening, you may want to even give your workers an extra day or two of work to assist in supplementing their income. Likewise, local taxi drivers are being hired to deliver groceries for people. Many of the local taxi drivers are not working as much, because there is limited tourism.  

Make Care Packages for Needy Families

Many people and organizations in Mexico are working together to prepare care packages for needy families. Many of the restaurants in Puerto Vallarta have been working together these last several months by providing care packages for needy families that have no income due to the loss of tourism. You can help by donating food, clothes, shoes, toys, and anything that you don’t need. You will make someone very happy with your thoughtful donations. 

Contact Loved Ones

You need to make sure you stay in touch with your loved ones during these hectic times. Isolation and a lack of contact are making many people depressed. Take care of your own mental health, and remember to reach out to your loved ones, too. You can text, call, email, or Facetime friends, family, and loved ones. This will help them and you, too. 


The COVID-19 crisis affected the world along with many communities throughout Mexico. Mexico is a wonderful and proud country that always comes together to help those in need. Are you ready to go on vacation? If you are, then you should stay at Villa Group Resorts. They have luxurious resorts in the best destinations in the country. Plus, they have implemented updated health and safety standards to keep guests and staff members safe. Today Getaway is a reputable travel agency that has insider deals on all-inclusive and affordable travel packages that you can’t find anywhere else. Book your getaway with Today Getaway, call at 1-866-435-8007 or 619-558-0432 now. Remember, when on vacation make sure to help support the local community and give back to those in need, too.