Today Getaway

Natural Wonders in Mexico

Natural Wonders in Mexico

Mexico has incredibly beautiful landscapes, a rich culture, and the locals are very welcoming. However, did you know that Mexico also has some of the top natural wonders, too? Many different lists have been created over the years featuring the top natural wonders in the world. The first and original list can be seen in the “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”. This book only added wonders that were in the Mesopotamia and Mediterranean region. Later, many different lists have been created and published over years that focused on other natural attractions throughout the world. If you want to enjoy a dream vacation in paradise, contact Today Getaway at 1-866-435-8007 or 619-558-0432. They have special low-cost travel packages to vacation in Mexico. In the meantime, read below to learn about some of the top natural wonders in Mexico.

Michoacan’s Paricutin – Top Natural Wonder in Mexico

In the state of Michoacan, the Paricutin volcano can be found. This cinder cone volcano is located approximately 322 kilometers from Mexico City. A local farmer saw the volcano surge suddenly in 1943. The eruption attracted media outlets and scientists to study the volcano. The volcano is very fast growing and within a year, it grew three-fourths its current size. Paricutin has been quiet for some time and the last time it actually erupted was back in 1952. Due to its remote location in Michoacan, many travelers don’t even know it exists. However, the volcano was named as one of the seven natural wonders in the world, even beating out the better-known volcano in Yellowstone National Park in California.

Yucatan’s Chichen Itza – Top Natural Wonder in Mexico

Chichen-Itza“Chichen-Itza” by mybulldog is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Another top natural wonder in Mexico is Yucatan’s Chichen Itza, which are ancient Mayan ruins. In 2006, USA Today Magazine created a new “New Seven Wonders” that six judges selected, and the Chichen Itza was included. It is believed that the ancient city was established in the year 600 AD. There, the huge step pyramid is known as the El Castillo, or Temple Kukulcan is the most notable feature. It is also believed that people lived there from 600 AD through the 1200s. Today, stone carvings can still be seen at the ball court, the Wall of the Skulls, and the Temple of the Warriors. During the evening at Chichen Itza, they put on a sound and light show, which is absolutely stunning to see in person.

Copper Canyon Natural Park – Top Natural Wonder in Mexico

“Barrancas del cobre -Valle de los Monjes” by Carlos Adampol is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Another notable natural wonder in Mexico is the Copper Canyon Natural Park, which is with 6 canyons in the Sierra Madre Occidental. Copper Canyon is known as Barrancas del Cobre in Spanish and can be found in the state of Chihuahua. The canyon walls have a copper and green color, which is why they named the park Copper Canyon. Six rivers are what formed the canyons that are more than 65,000 kilometers. Lastly, Sumidero Canyon, Cuatro Ciénegas en Coahuila, the Pinacate Desert, and the migration of Monarch Butterflies are other top wonders as well.

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