Today Getaway

Ways to Stay Active During COVID

Stay Active During COVID

Stay Active During COVID

If you are ready to get in your daily workout, why not do it outside? There are several outdoor activities that you can do while still being safe during the COVID pandemic. Being outside is one of the safest ways to social distance. We have added the top 6 ways to stay active during COVID below. Keeping yourself active and healthy will keep your immune system in excellent shape. Continue to read below to see which ways to stay active during COVID best suit your lifestyle and fitness goals.  

Try Yoga 

To start with, yoga has been around for more than 5000 years. This ancient method of strengthening the mind and body is an excellent way to stay active during COVID. Yoga will tone and strengthen your muscles along with bringing a sense of peace and calmness to your emotional state, too. Plus, you are able to practice yoga outdoors. Take your yoga mat into the back yard or a balcony and enjoy the fresh air. You can add healing music and there are different meditation and yoga music apps that you can download for free such as the Insight Timer app. 

Walk or Jog 

Being cooped up inside your house simply isn’t healthy. Everyone needs to have fresh air and sunshine so that their mind and body remain healthy. A top way to stay active during COVID is going on a walk or jog. It’s easy and free and all you have to do is just walk outside your door. If you have a dog, then you can get your dog fresh air and exercise, too. If you live in the city, you should bring your mask with you in case you come across a crowded location. Try to pick areas that are safe, but also spread out so you can enjoy the fresh air as you exercise. 

Biking (Road and Mountain)

Next, bike riding is another fun way to stay active during COVID. You can choose biking on the road or mountain biking if you want your work out to be more challenging. You will be able to get a good workout and fresh air. Thankfully, the roads are less crowded due to COVID, so you don’t have to worry about so many cars if you are road biking. If you go mountain biking, then you will get to see beautiful scenery and landscapes. Being in nature will promote a positive mental state and energize your body, too.

A Hike 

Are there hiking trails where you live? If there are, then you should go for a hike. Hiking is an excellent way to stay active during COVID. You can get your workout in while clearing your mind. You usually won’t run into crowds while on a hike, because hiking trails tend to be spread out. Always bring along a mask just in case and do your best to avoid others during your outing. When you are on your hike, you should refrain from touching your face. Then, when you get home make sure you wash your hands, too. 

Online Exercising Classes 

During the COVID pandemic, many gyms and fitness centers had to shut down, but that doesn’t mean you have to quit exercising. There are many different types of fitness classes available online. Just search for your favorite instructor online, and you may be surprised to find they probably have an exercise class online. You can take your phone or tablet outside and do your exercise class outdoors, too. If you can’t afford to pay for an online exercise class, you can search YouTube and find so many exercise videos that are free, too. 

Take Up Gardening 

Gardening is another top way to stay active during COVID. Spring is just around the corner, so now is the perfect time to start deciding what you want to grow in your garden. You can plant different fruits and veggies, which are healthy foods, too. When you are gardening, you will be getting plenty of fresh air and exercising when you weed the garden and mow the grass. Plus,  nothing tastes as delicious and healthy as homegrown fruits and veggies from your own garden.

Did you enjoy our list of top ways to stay active during COVID? You can reduce the risk of getting coronavirus by just being outdoors and staying active. Are you also dreaming of taking a vacation to Mexico to decompress and reconnect with loved ones in paradise? If so, contact Today Getaway at 1-866-435-8007 or 619-558-0432, a legitimate online travel agency that works with the top resorts in Mexico such as the Villa Group. The Villa Group has strict COVID safety practices in place at their resorts to ensure the safety of guests and staff members. Contact Today Getaway at 1-866-435-8007 or 619-558-0432 and ask about their current promotions and special travel packages. You deserve to get away for a fun and safe vacation to Mexico!