Taking toddlers on flights could easily send any parent into panic. Here is some advice that can assist parents when taking toddlers on flights, particularly long ones. The advice will assist parents into turning a nightmare flight into a smooth and enjoyable flight for everyone, especially anyone that is sitting next to you on the plane. If you are already seeing yourself pleading with your child to behave, not to throw a tantrum during the flight, then the advice below will be helpful for you, so you can avoid any unpleasant scenes.

Purchase Ride-On Luggage

You may not think that ride-on luggage is worth the cost before you travel, but you will be thanking yourself once you arrive at the airport. A few brands including Kiddee Cases, Skoot Kids, and Trunki have ride-on luggage for children that you can carry aboard the plane and is perfect for children to wheel around on their own. This will keep your child entertained while you are in the airport and these ride-on luggage also have a strap, so you can pull the luggage (with your child sat on it) when your child is tired and doesn’t want to pull it themselves.

Bring Activities

Many young children have a short attention span, so you will want to prepare yourself. You can bring little puzzles, coloring books, stickers, and their favorite snacks to keep your child entertained and occupied. You should try to bring at least ten different activities due to a short attention span. It is better to have too many than to have too few.

Bring a DVD Player and Tablet

Many parents don’t like to depend on movies, cartoons, or computer games, but once your child starts screaming and having a tantrum, parents are ready for these devices. You might bring along a DVD player or tablet to keep your child entertained for a long period of time. It will keep them occupied and happy, and you and other passengers will have a peaceful flight. Always charge the devices that you bring, and pack any movies with you, then bring headphones too.

Game Apps for Kids

You can also download games Apps that are kid friendly on your phone or tablet. The games will keep your child engaged and occupied. Also, you have to switch the phone or tablet to airplane mode before your flight takes off.

Bring prizes as part of a behaviour game

Any child loves to get presents and prizes—well, everyone does—so, you could bring presents to keep your child occupied. You can wrap games and toys and give a present every so often when your child has reached a certain goal—like not kicking the seat in front of you for at least 30 minutes; not hit their little sister for a set period of time etc.


Bring your child’s favorite blanket and pillow, so your child can be comfortable on the plane. If your child is comfortable, then they might even take a nap for you.

Candy or healthy treats for distraction

Many times when the plane is landing or taking off it can become painful for children’s ears, so you can bring candy to alleviate any pain. You should bring sugar free candy and have them suck on it, which will take away any fear too.

Bring Lasting Snacks

Healthy snacks should be brought for your child to snack on. Fruits, crackers, cheese, and vegetables are excellent snacks for children who are flying. Snacks are useful in case your child doesn’t like the airplane meal. A h-angry child is double trouble.

Airplane Police

You might want to warn your child about the ‘airplane police’. This is not to scare your child, but a little white lie that is perfect for children who are misbehaving. Tell your child that the ‘airplane police’ look for children who are not behaving and they don’t let them fly. This might prevent your child from kicking the back of the seat, running down the aisles, climbing over seats, or even playing with the tray that folds down. If you don’t like to lie to your child in this way; you could ask one of the cabin crew to play a stern role with your child, acting as an outside authority.